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Nail trimming 



Nail Grinding  Smooth out the edge and the nail would go even shorter if done with nail trimming



Face Hair Quick Trimming Quick face Trimming clean up the out growing hair around the face when the pet not due for the full grooming yet.


Flea Bath The Flea bath service has to be done with Full Grooming or Bath and Tidy services

$15 -$20(Grooming add-on)



De-skunking treatment  It has to be done with Full Grooming or Bath and Tidy services



Teeth brushing  Help to prevent tartar’s build up and maintain healthy teeth


Anal Gland expression


Ear cleaning  We used gentle ears cleaner to clean pet ear




Extended  pickup time Service  Pet can stay with us Longer until 5:30pm. We will walk the dog and providing clean water, owner has to prepare food if planning to let us feed them during Spa Day.



Underpaw hair shave






Nail Trim and Nail Grinding                                                                       $23-30